Pollmeier is a member of Germany’s Federal Association of Sawmilling and Wood Industries (DeSH) and participates in many joint projects.
Deutsche Säge- und Holzindustrie Bundesverband e.V. (DeSH)

The cluster „Forst & Holz“ (forest & wood), with more than 1 million employees and an annual turnover of approx. 114 billion Euro, belongs to the leading sectors of the German economy. The DeSH (Federal association of the sawmilling and wood-industries), based in Berlin, represents more than 2/3 of the logs being cut in Germany and perceives itself as the lobby for the sawmills and wood industry lending the wood processing companies a political voice. The scope of activities varies from observing and informing the legislative environment to participating in campaigns and controversial debates.
Deutsche Säge- und Holzindustrie Bundesverband e.V. (DeSH)
Dorotheenstraße 54 D-10117 Berlin
Bündnis Wald & Holz Thüringen
The “Thüringer Bündnis Wald & Holz” (Thuringian alliance of Forest & Wood) is a voluntary association of various important players in the Thuringian forest and wood industry. Common goal is the improvement of both, the public perception and the economical, ecological and social importance of the value chain of wood.

BINITIATIVE BAYERISCHER UNTERMAIN - Ökoprofit bayrischer Untermain
The aim of Ecoprofit is to realize cost savings due to environmental conservation. The project has been initialized by INITIATIVE BAYERISCHER UNTERMAIN and aims at regional companies. It provides possibilities to profit from cost savings due to increased energy efficiency and corporate environmental protection. Furthermore the project enables the control of health and safety and environmental regulations.
Pollmeier sawmill Aschaffenburg received the certificate Ecoprofit – factory 2010/2011 in June:
Förderung der Energieeffizienz und der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien in Unternehmen
On basis of a metrologically supported situation analysis in the laminated veneer lumber plant, a considerable savings potential was identified by replacing the existing lighting in the production areas with LED lighting including daylight sensors and presence sensors and the associated management system, and a lighting concept for converting the lighting system was developed. By changing the light management system, an estimated 30- 70% of the energy consumption for lighting can be saved. The recommended replacement of the lighting was realized in III. quarter of 2019. The project, funded by the Free State of Thuringia, was co-financed by funds from the European Union as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Advice for architects, engineers, commercial builders and timber construction:
Advice on timber, BauBuche and for Pollmeier LVL:
+49 (0)36926 945-163