29th International Timber Construction Forum (IHF)

The International Timber Construction Forum (IHF 2025) offers timber construction companies, planners, engineers and architects the opportunity to report on their experiences, work and goals with timber structures and timber constructions. The forum will also give project planners, those responsible for building and approval authorities, carpenters and other practitioners of the timber trade and trainers the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information and exchange ideas.

The event will take place on 3 and 5 December 2025 in Innsbruck. Visit us at our stand – We Wood Like To Meet You!

Service à l’intention des maîtres d’ouvrage, architectes, planificateurs et ingénieurs:

+49 (0)36926 945-560 baubuche@pollmeier.com

Service conseil pour l’avivé, le BauBuche et Pollmeier LVL :

+49 (0)36926 945-163

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