
What has timber production got to do with climate protection? Answer – A lot.​

Timber – The ecological balance of a raw material. Active climate protection by means of carbon dioxide storage

Every tree in the forest produces wood in the course of its lifetime. Apart from sunlight and the nutrients of the soil dissolved in water, it needs for that purpose above all carbon dioxide, CO2. Carbon dioxide, commonly known as a greenhouse gas, is largely responsible for climate change. While growing, trees are constantly extracting large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon in the wood. Additionally, oxygen is produced along the way, which is all-important for animal and human life.

Using wood from sustainable forestry, which is mandatory according to German Federal Forest law (Bundeswaldgesetz), is storing the greenhouse gas CO2 in wooden products, while new trees can grow back on the same forest area.
This is an important contribution to active climate protection.

Passive climate protection by means of saving energy

When producing construction wood or wood as raw material, only a fraction of the energy is needed compared to the production of steel, aluminum, concrete or plastics and thus, considerably less CO2 is discharged in the process. In addition to its property as an “active” storage of CO2, wood is therefore also a “passive climate protector” and ecologically very much superior to the competing materials made of fossile commodities due to its inherent energy savings.

Wood does not know any problems of recycling

Even the best product will eventually reach the end of its lifespan, and even then, wooden products are especially environment-friendly. Whereas products made from fossile commodities end up as an ecological problem, when time comes for their disposal, wooden products can be used in a CO2-balanced way for ex. as fuel.

Wood - an everyday companion!

The history of human culture is intrinsically tied to the manifold usage of wood. Still today, wood is unsurpassed in its diversity and remains an omnipresent companion of everyday life. In addition to the “classical” usages as a material for construction and trade, its contribution is appreciated for ex. in building boats, for insulating wall panels, in producing toys and sports equipment and as a resonator for manufacturing musical instruments. Neither modern logistics in the age of the container can do without wooden pallets, boxes and packaging, nor would the production of wine, sherry and whisky be conceivable without the classical wooden cask. But a great many of everyday products like for ex. paper, tissues, cardboard boxes and even clothes made from viscose originate from one of the most versatile raw materials of our time. Wood is a sustainable, innovative and ecological commodity, a real all-rounder.

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Advice on timber, COMPONENTS, BauBuche, Pollmeier LVL and briquette:

+49 (0)36926 945-163 

Advice for architects, engineers, commercial builders and timber construction:

+49 (0)36926 945-560