Legal notice
Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG
Pferdsdorfer Weg 6 99831
Amt Creuzburg, Germany
T: +49 (0)36926 945-0
F: +49 (0)36926 945-91101

These web pages have been created with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of the information it contains. Subject to changes.
VAT Reg. No. DE 814 462 426
Business ident. no.: not yet available Jena Local Court (Amtsgericht)
Registration number: HRA 401428
Represented by
Pollmeier Massivholz Verwaltungs GmbH Pferdsdorfer Weg 6, 99831 Amt Creuzburg, Germany Jena Local Court (Amtsgericht), Registration number: HRB 501018 Managing
Director: Ralf Pollmeier
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