The second Pollmeier sawmill went into operation in 2000 in the town of Malchow.

The sawmill was closed in 2010 due to a lack of log timber and poor demand for hardwood. In 2016, the market had recovered and the sawmill was put back into production.
„We have always had a highly motivated and qualified workforce in Malchow, who will, for the most part, still be present with there-opening. Now that the timber market has recovered, and after initial exploratory talks with forest owners in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have led me to expect a corresponding wood supply, what would be more fitting than to re-open the plant?” – Quote from Ralf Pollmeier
„This is a good decision for the timber and forestry industry in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, as well as for the region around Malchow. After all, resuming work in the sawmill will increase the demand for timber from our state while also creating around 70 jobs in a sparsely populated region”.
– Quote from Forestry Minister Dr.Till Backhaus
Pollmeier Malchow
Ahornallee 7
17213 Malchow
Tel.: +49 (0) 39932 8450
Advice for architects, engineers, commercial builders and timber construction:
Advice on timber, BauBuche and for Pollmeier LVL:
+49 (0)36926 945-163
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